Steps to Take After a Maritime Injury

A person injured on a ship or vessel or while working in the shipping or oilfield industry could have a maritime injury claim. These accidents can leave people with expensive, painful injuries that require months of rehabilitation.

The good news? You probably can bring a maritime injury claim. Maritime law is complicated, and there are different laws that cover these accidents. Some maritime laws will allow you to seek compensation, much like an accident that occurs on land. Other legal claims are unique to maritime law.

When you’re injured in a maritime, shipping, oilfield or other offshore setting, it is important that you speak to an attorney quickly. Maritime companies usually take quick action to minimize their liability and often have experienced attorneys ready to help them do so. Call our firm today to speak with a Lafayette maritime injury attorney about what happened and how you were injured. Below, we identify critical steps you should take following any type of maritime accident.

Report the Accident

Reporting an accident as soon as possible is necessary to:

  • Protect the safety of other people. Other people on the ship could be endangered if there is a fire or explosion. You want to limit the number of people injured.
  • Limit damage to the ship or vessel. Many maritime accidents happen on a type of vessel. By reporting a problem to your supervisor, you can potentially limit the damage to the vessel.
  • Start an investigation. Government authorities can investigate a maritime accident, which benefits any victims. You can use the evidence collected in the investigation.

Workers should report an accident or injury to their supervisor, who can then report to the appropriate government authorities. Furthermore, failing to report could be detrimental to your claim.

Seek Medical Care

Because of the nature of maritime accients, injuries are often severe and can have lifelong consequences. You should receive immediate care to improve your chances of fully healing. After you report the accident, seek out medical care from a nurse or medic on the ship. You might also need to immediately head ashore to receive treatment.

Some maritime injuries are also potentially life threatening including burns, traumatic head injuries, and chest injuries. It is not uncommon for an injured person to be unconscious relying on others to arrive for help.

Preserve Evidence of Your Accident

It’s possible to receive compensation for a maritime injury, but you must establish what happened. Evidence is usually on the ship or the dock. If possible, you should take the following steps:

  • Photograph the accident scene. These photos really help those who weren’t at the scene see what happened.
  • Identify witnesses to the accident and note their names and contact information. Witnesses might be necessary to back up your story of how you were injured.
  • If defective equipment injures you, do your best to document the defect with the equipment. Your Lafayette maritime injury attorney might want to inspect it.

We realize that you might be so injured that you can’t take these steps. That’s fine—protect yourself first and foremost. But if you can move around or have time to document the accident, then you should do so.

Document Your Maritime Injury

Documentation also helps establish the severity of your injuries. There are some simple ways to do this:

  • Go to the doctor to be diagnosed. A diagnostic test like an X-ray or MRI can show the severity of an injury. These medical records are crucial in many maritime cases.
  • Take photographs of your injuries. Bruises, lacerations, and burns will show up dramatically in color photographs. By the time you negotiate a settlement, they could have healed or faded. You want a vivid reminder of what these wounds looked like right after the accident.
  • Write down how you are feeling. You might seek compensation for your emotional distress and pain and suffering (depending on the legal claim). You want to document how the accident has impacted your life.

Your attorney can use other evidence, too. For example, we might speak to family members who can testify as to how the injury has changed you or have your medical team testify on your behalf.

Avoid Agreeing to a Settlement

The defendant’s insurer might quickly reach out with a settlement offer. You should not agree to anything until you have hired a lawyer to represent you. Our Lafayette maritime injury attorney can review your injuries and the facts surrounding the accident. We can also analyze the settlement offer to check if it is fair.

There’s a good chance the initial settlement offer is too low and we can do better. Therefore, it’s critical that you don’t immediately agree (even verbally) to a settlement offer. Instead, reach out to Inzina Law Injury Attorneys today. Our firm is available to review your medical records to estimate the true value of your maritime claim.

Participate in an Investigation

Major accidents often draw the attention of government authorities. You should participate in the investigation.

Investigators might want to meet to talk about what happened, look at your medical records, or take other steps. The results of the investigation can help your claim.

Of course, it’s helpful to have a lawyer with you at an interview. You don’t want to say something to an investigator which is a mistake. Many of our clients are still in extreme pain, so it’s easy to get confused when talking with an investigator about what happened. Let’s meet to discuss what happened before you participate in an investigation.

Consult an Experienced Maritime Injury Lawyer

Obtaining compensation is a difficult journey. Ship owners and employers often resist paying compensation for injuries suffered on the waters. You deserve a lawyer who understands maritime law, including the different laws that come into play.

It’s never too early to reach out to an established law firm. You might be in so much pain that you cannot document the accident or even take photographs of your wounds. That’s why it’s critical to hire a lawyer soon. We can handle all the crucial details—and there are many.

Our Consultations Are Free

Inzina Law Injury Attorneys can represent maritime accident victims in settlement negotiations. And if the at-fault party refuses to compensate you fairly, we are ready and willing to take your case to court. Maritime claims are often complex, and maritime companies are experienced in minimizing their liability. Let us act as gatekeepers so you can focus on healing. Reach out to schedule your free consultation.

Inzina Law Injury Attorneys

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